Oracle cards Eagle and Bee


Welcome to the New Monthly Installment of Oracle Readings

For centuries, people have turned to divination tools like Tarot and Oracle cards to gain insight, seek guidance, and connect with the unseen energies shaping their lives. Oracle cards, unlike Tarot, do not follow a fixed structure but instead offer intuitive wisdom through imagery, symbolism, and affirmations.

Each reading reveals messages meant to guide us through the present moment, helping us align with our highest potential. In this monthly series, we interpret the cards’ energies to help you navigate the month ahead with clarity and intention.

Understand the Reading

The left card represents your light and the right card represents your shadow. Integration between your shadow and light is necessary to help bring balance to your life. 

  • Left card: Your light is your public self, how you are known in the world, your actions, your words.
  • Right Card: Your shadow is your private self. Your thoughts, your feelings, and how you are known intimately by only a few.

March Oracle Reading

Dear IRK reader, for March, we have the following cards with messages received for your highest benefit.

  • The mighty eagle is in the light position, representing that great change and opportunity are upon you.
  • The tireless bee is in the shadow position, representing your diligent work ethic. You are able to create anything, especially with a co-conspirator or two. 

Embracing the Eagle and the Bee

To begin, envision yourself as the eagle soaring through the sky. Know that every gust of air from your wings brings momentous change to the world you inhabit. Close your eyes and see the mighty gusts shake the landscape below you. Now, hum as you read this just as you are the bee, buzzing about while you craft your hive with purpose and artistry. Action and determination – the vibe for the month. 

Together, the Eagle and the Bee represent that you ARE more than capable of creating the change you want. There is no greater moment than now to do it. So what is that one idea you keep coming back to but haven’t started yet? That work of art, that special project, that new company, that one idea that you have been dreaming about is ready to be made real.  You just need to take your first step and put in the work to actually do it. 

When you do, get ready to soar as the mighty eagle you are with your tremendous wings carrying you into a new direction. Just remember – no one else is responsible for realizing your dreams except you. However, a collaborator, an accountability partner, or a friend who helps you believe in yourself is a valuable resource. Who are your fellow worker bees that you can enlist to help you get to work and stay on course? It just takes the first step to get the ball rolling – so reach out to your friend about your idea, sketch out the first draft, or start that action map. It doesn’t have to be perfect, because perfection does not exist – just take your first step and everything will follow. 

Affirmation for Motivation

Repeat this affirmation when in need of some motivation: 
“I am the eagle, I am the bee— I create the life that is meant for me 

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Cooper Cheatham is an intuitive guide specializing in oracle card readings and end-of-life support as a death doula. With a deep connection to spiritual transitions, Cooper helps individuals navigate life's liminal spaces with clarity, comfort, and compassion. His practice blends intuition, ritual, and sacred listening to provide guidance and support on both earthly and ethereal journeys.

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