Edouard Prevot: An Emerging Star in Acting and Modeling

Edouard Prevot: From Acting to Barbara Bui’s Iconic Face

Edouard Prevot is a French actor and model who first came to prominence in the film Garçons de Province after attending the prestigious Cours Florent theatre school in Paris. He has recently become one of the faces of Barbara Bui, adding important modelling experience to his career. Edouard spoke to IRK about why he became an actor, the importance of fashion and how it feels to be one of the faces of Barbara Bui.

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IRK: How would you describe yourself and your work as an actor and model and what are the values you want to express? 

Edouard: The value I enjoy expressing as a person is humility, and I don’t like to take myself too seriously. Most of the people who fascinate me possess this humility. Many are, with humor, even tired of themselves and try to escape from themselves. It’s important to me not to take things for granted, like work, for example. It’s a sort of illness, and we should check daily to ensure we’re not showing symptoms. As an actor, one of the values I want to express is to stand up for all characters and people. I believe that every person, no matter what they’ve done or who they are, has the same inherent worth as anyone else. I also love the idea of playing someone who has committed horrible acts or simply made mistakes. I’m fascinated by people who have secrets and try to flee from themselves.

Art should provoke

People who harbor secrets or shame. A criminal, for instance. It’s important to me that we feel empathy for someone who, at first glance, might not deserve it. To see their flaws. For me, they deserve it. And in the end, the person on the other side who suffers might take revenge and become cruel themselves…
I enjoy films that shock and surprise me. I believe that art should provoke. It should be raw and violent. It’s the best place for our impulses to exist.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

One of the values I want to express is staying true to myself, even though I don’t entirely know myself. I think it’s great if my work can make someone uncomfortable; maybe someone else will like it, and in any case, it’s fulfilling for me. Kae Tempest says, “If everyone likes your work, you’re doing it wrong.”
One of the most important values in my work is challenging myself and taking risks even if it means offering something deeply personal. The sense of sacrifice. Sacrificing something deeply personal. I’m not shy about it.

I’m not afraid to try things

In theater, stepping out of my comfort zone, doing projects I didn’t initially want to do or was afraid of, has allowed me to push myself, to transcend myself, and, above all, to take immense pleasure in it.
What was fun about this shoot was trying acrobatic poses—I’m not afraid to try things. I always want to give my best and be adaptable for the team, for the photographer. Expressing myself physically, that’s also what’s interesting about photography and modeling. The body takes center stage. As an actor, what interests me is the truth.

I love what feels natural and subtle, as well as what’s intense and powerful. I also enjoy whimsy. What touches me the most is simplicity and everything that is small. In voice, in the body. It’s very complicated to define myself as an actor because I think we are all complex and have many different personalities. I see myself as having multiple desires. I’m not sure what values I can express as a model since the photographer, stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser, and lighting person express much more than I do. Personally, I want to have a good time, have fun, and play.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

IRK: How did you decide to become an actor and what fascinates you about the world of acting and the film industry?

Edouard: I decided to become an actor at the age of 11 and I knew what I wanted to do very early on and held on to that vision. I think adolescence is a time in our lives when we don’t often feel entirely free. The moments when I felt free were those when I was alone with myself, dreaming, as well as the times when I was performing. In the theater space, I felt the freest, where I could be whoever I wanted to be and take on all identities. It’s amazing when you don’t know who you are or who you should be. I don’t know how I decided—it was just obvious to me. I thought, “This career is my escape.”

Fascinated by actors

What fascinates me in the industry are certain directors and the poetic dimension of films. Or works that shock, surprise, and don’t necessarily follow trends. I’m fascinated by actors, seeing them perform, their performances, and how much pleasure they take in what they do. They fully immerse themselves in what they’re doing, letting go. They fascinate me the most. I sense that they are at the height of their pleasure when they act because I feel their joy, and I share it with them. I’m fascinated by the sacrifices some actors are capable of making—physically, psychologically. Their intimacy. Them. Their investment, their mysterious and magical aura. Their curiosity and exploration.

I think you can fall in love with an actor, desire them, or desire the life of a character. I want to follow them, be attached to them, be close to them, I want to know them, and feel less alone. The story reveals something within me; it reveals my fears, dreams, passions, jealousy… The images, the composition, the colors, the photography, the acting—all fascinate me. It’s the art form, alongside music, that impacts me the most viscerally. A performance that recently impacted me was Elsa Lepoivre’s at Avignon in the play Hecuba, Not Hecuba, with Otis Redding’s music playing at the end—I trembled and cried. Her performance moved me deeply.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

IRK: You also became a face for Barbara Bui. How did it feel to be chosen to represent the brand and its values? 

Edouard: I felt a lot of gratitude and pride. Me and Barbara Bui didn’t know each other initially, but wearing the clothes during the fitting allowed me to start to get to know her. I felt a great sense of freedom and elegance, beautiful, rock-inspired, and original. Wearing different materials like leather, velvet, and silk made me felt really stylish, haha. Feeling the warmth and kindness of Barbara and her entire team. There was a very family-like atmosphere, a family you choose, and I found it beautiful. It was very enjoyable. I had fun with Barbara; she has a playful side. I felt like I could be wild with her and just be myself.

This whole atmosphere made me want to embody those values of strong, powerful, free women even more. I also tried to express a bit of my femininity as a guy wearing these androgynous clothes. During one pose in the shoot, I wore flared pants, crossed my legs, and on the photo, it looked like I was wearing a skirt, which turned out really beautiful. It felt good. I’m thrilled to be part of a brand that “officially” designs for women but unofficially is open to all. I felt very fortunate to be chosen to represent women. I wear Barbara’s brand proudly.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

IRK: How important is fashion to you and does it help you express who you are?

Edouard: Absolutely. Fashion expresses me. It helps me express who I am because it’s a continuous journey. This, allows me to explore different aspects of myself, like my androgynous side. It lets me be whoever I want to be. Every day, I have the choice. I wasn’t necessarily very curious about the fashion world, even though I’ve always paid attention to how I dress. I met people who introduced me to fashion, and I started to get interested. My style answers the question, “How can I feel good?”

One of the first things you can do to feel good is to take care of your body and skin, then leave the house feeling confident in the right outfit. I feel handsome and desirable, I don’t want what I wear to feel like a costume. I enjoy simplicity. Sometimes, fashion allows me to express eccentricity, originality, or simplicity, femininity, or masculinity. It lets me be different characters. Right now, I want an Ann Demeulemeester bag—I’ve never had one, and I’ve always carried everything in my pockets. I think fashion has always been important to me. In primary school, I was the only one who would come in a three-piece suit and tie for class photos. I loved looking elegant like my dad. It made me feel grown-up. Fashion is my way to define my look and feel confident.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

IRK: Do you think that modelling is also a way of acting and do you think that the two worlds of acting and modelling are somehow connected?

Edouard: I believe modeling is a form of acting. It’s not the same work and doesn’t require as much energy or commitment as acting. I think acting is scarier too. It makes modeling more enjoyable. What’s interesting is the body and being part of the image, being aware that I’m part of the image. I am the image. You need to feel it—it’s not always easy but essential. Like in film. It’s a different kind of investment, but it’s connected, and I try to be as invested as I am in theater.

Once, Polina, the photographer, placed a mattress on the floor and asked me to act as if I were getting up. I needed to perform the action, so I looked around at the objects, the people; my expression changed as if I had just woken up. I paid more attention to my surroundings and reacted to everything. In my gaze, my thoughts also translate—if I have a dreamy look, for instance. Both worlds are connected. What do I want to convey? An emotion?

You can also play a role, be natural, or not. It remains a different universe because we’re also asked to keep a neutral expression. We’re far from Jack Nicholson, haha.

IRK: How important is it for you to try new ways of expressing yourself, such as acting or modelling, and is there anything else you would like to try in your career?

Edouard Prevot: An Emerging Star in Acting and Modeling
Complete look BARBARA BUI

Edouard: I place a lot of importance on exploring new things and ways of expressing myself. Music, singing, are naturally part of my life. I’ve had the chance to express this in plays and dance-theater. Dance, which I’d like to explore further, of course. In cinema, aside from acting, I’d love to write and direct—what a dream that would be. Writing is challenging for me; I’m hard on myself. I’m not always inspired. But I’ll get to it. I love reading and writing poems. I love poetry. It’s a great way to express sensations and feelings, to dissect everything within. It’s also a powerful way to communicate with someone you love when you want to make amends and tell them how much they mean to you.

IRK: What were some of the challenges you faced in your career as a young actor and model and what would you recommend to other young talents starting out in their careers?

Edouard: This question makes me laugh because I’m about to advise young talents like myself on starting their careers. I don’t feel like I’ve truly started mine yet. My challenge is to start it, haha.
The main challenge I face is myself. I am my own biggest challenge. Of course, there are external barriers and things beyond my control. But the biggest challenge is daring and pushing past my fears. Having the courage to always be in action. The challenge is not to run away. Staying true to myself and accepting who I am becoming, where I am. Staying true to my curiosity and trusting my instincts. Believing, above all, that each of us has something unique to express. That’s what I’ve always had faith in.

I recommend taking care of yourself, working on yourself. Taking care of your body and mind. Being gentle with yourself, patient, and going slowly. Always believe in yourself. I’ve never stopped believing in what I want to do. I have faith. Faith is essential. Sir Anthony Hopkins says, “Believe, believe, believe, and even when you don’t believe, believe.” And for me, everything starts there.

Complete look BARBARA BUI

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