Confessional Showroom Brings Together Fashion and Beauty
Step into the confessional showroom, and you’re instantly greeted with every fashion lover’s dream. Every style of clothing you can imagine lives inside this small office space in the heart of Manhattan. From ball gowns and wedding dresses to streetwear and unique crochet garments, Confessional has it all. Housing over 100 designers and working with the likes of Nylon, Vogue, and Paper Magazine, Confessional is the moment.
This Thursday Confessional hosted an event with concierge cosmetics company “Velour Medical” and “Saratonin” haircare. This event was a testament to the creativity and innovation that exists within the fashion and beauty industry.
Velour Medical is revolutionizing cosmetics by bringing its services to clients’ homes. Founded by Dr. Michael Kennis as a solution to the inaccessibility of cosmetic services during the pandemic this small and experienced team truly does it all, from botox to covid testing. Velour specializes in injection services from the comfort of your own home, however, they also emphasize destigmatizing the cosmetic field. Speaking with the Velour team at Thursday’s event their care and expertise shine through.
Saratonin is an equally exciting and fabulous haircare brand. They are a gender-neutral, cruelty-free, and ethically made haircare brand that focuses on embracing natural hair and feeling good. The founder Sara Viklund is an expert in her field with over a decade of experience all over the world. Saratonin is unique in that it does not cater to one specific hair type and has products for everyone.
The Confessional Showroom, Velour Medical, and Saratonin’s event was a merging of three key parts of the fashion and beauty industry and an inside look into how small, young businesses are revolutionizing their fields in accessibility, creativity, and sustainability.
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