
Paris Photo a Visual Extravaganza

Paris Photo, presents its 21st edition from 9 to 12 November 2017 at the Grand Palais in Paris. A Photography lovers must see event. Paris Photo offers access to the best photography in the world…

Diedre Brown is Reclaiming Urban Coastlines One Stitch at a Time

Diedre Brown is the September 2017 featured Artist In Residence at the Textile Arts Center in Manhattan. As you walk by the Center’s large plate glass window on West 8th Street and look up, you…

Desire Moheb-Zandi Dazzles at DVF

Desire Moheb-Zandi’s work has caught the eye of Diane Von Furstenberg. Deservingly so, she has actively taken her love and family tradition of textile making and broken all of the rules. Her tapestries, which incorporate…

Ole Marius Joergensen, Astronauts, Mysteries & Blonds

Norwegian photographer Ole Marius Joergensen is an artist with a taste for surrealism! His cinematic style combines humour and mystery and he finds his inspiration in the inner and outer landscapes of his countrymen. His…


Group Show Featuring X-SMALL Works by ARTHUR YANG! ​​​Nimportequoi or Whatever in English is a fine definition of human existence as a whole and the inspiration for this wonderfully bizarre exhibition in Paris August 1st-14th….


In the first week of July in the picturesque town of Arles, there is the start of one of the largest photography festivals in the world, Arles 2017. The festival lasts 3 months and just…


LOOKING FOR TALENT IN ARLES The Co-editors-in-chief of IRK will be reviewing photography portfolios at VOIES OFF ARLES July 6-7. We are looking for creative talent (artistic photography and creative fashion photography) If you are…

Diane Pernet // On The Edge of Fashion

Diane Pernet has always been attracted to the place where fashion and technology merge. From her beginnings as an editor at Joyce, and, to the creation of her ground breaking fashion blog, A…

What is FRANCE to you?

C’est Quoi ta France is a collective art and society project. Shedding light on diversity and universal French values in the aim of spreading them all over the world. For this amazing project they have…